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 So They Say
"The only thing worse than being in the Hall of Fame is not being in the Hall of Fame."
Tom Waits

"Fame comes with its own standard. A guy who twitches his lips is just another guy with a lip twitch - unless he's Humphrey Bogart."
Sammy Davis, Jr.

"Being famous means being loved by many anonymous people."
Sigmund Freud

New Inductees


       A true virtuoso of the bullwhip and not just an entertainer, John Brady was a captivating maestro whose skillful mastery of this ancient art form with his performing partner and wife Vi, left audiences spellbound.

       With a unique blend of precision, showmanship, and a passion for the whip, John Brady carved out a niche as a distinctive performer across five continents. He and Vi together raised the art of the bullwhip to new heights.


        Embodiment of the Cowboy Way, Vince inspired a generation of whip crackers with his tricks and stunts. A consummate showman who honed his craft over years of dedication, he became a sought-after performer, captivating audiences at renowned events, festivals, and stages around the world. His performances were not just displays of skill but also an homage to the rich cultural history of bullwhip artistry.


       Giovanni Celeste embarked on a journey into the world of whip making thirty years ago, evolving it into a lifelong commitment to perfecting the art and elevating it to new heights. Combining Old World excellence with New World techniques and materials, Giovanni set new high standards for perfection with his whips, which have been featured in numerous Italian films.

       Giovanni Celeste was the first in Italy to produce Australian Whips.  Today his whips are appreciated and esteemed worldwide for their accuracy, attention to detail, elegance and aesthetic taste.


       Blake Bruning of Trinity Whips is a true virtuoso in the world of whip making. With an unmatched dedication to the craft, he stands as a beacon of excellence in creating not just whips, but works of art.

       Some of the 5,000-plus whips he has made whips are in Cirque De Soleil Performances, Cruise Ship Shows, Theme Parks, and a Video Game in Japan. Each whip is a testament to his meticulous craftsmanship and a deep understanding of the symbiotic relationship between form and function.


       Chris McDaniel's performances are a symphony of motion and sound, an artful dance with the whip that transcends the boundaries of traditional entertainment.

       With ropes and whips, Chris has kept the Wild West alive in the modern world. From the crack of the whip echoing through the venue to the seamless choreography that accompanies each routine, every moment is a testament to his dedication and expertise.


      As Indiana Jones, Harrison embodied the adventure and excitement of the bullwhip experience across five films, sending an entire generation of fans out to duplicate his astonishing feats. As an ambassador for the bullwhip, Harrison was one of the best in the world.

        In his hand, the whip was not just a prop; it was an integral part of Indy's toolkit, used for everything from navigating treacherous terrain to engaging in daring stunts and, of course, the memorable whip-cracking scenes. His legacy as a whip-cracking movie star will be celebrated for generations to come.


        A spark in the dark, this multi-talented performer has been wowing audiences for years with balloons, bubbles, and bullwhips.

       Having founded two circus companies, having performed on the street, stage, television, theatre and film and competed in Europe and America, he continues to reflect the best of the bullwhip experience in this world.

       When you go to see him, prepare to be mesmerized by the skill, grace, and passion that define this extraordinary performer.


       From the Far North comes a precise practitioner of the whip maker’s arts. Johnny Ohgren of Witchcraft Whips whose reputation extends far beyond local circles.

       Renowned performers, entertainers, and enthusiasts seek out his exquisite creations for their unparalleled quality and performance.

       Johnny has become a trusted name in the global whip-making community.


       As Catwoman, Michelle brought a new dimension into the bullwhip experience by embodying the seductive and dangerous aspects of a gracefully and powerfully thrown bullwhip in her portrayal of Catwoman and her skilled whip-cracking scenes in the film "Batman Returns" (1992).

       Pfeiffer's interpretation of the character added a complex and alluring dimension to the classic Batman universe.  Her portrayal of Catwoman is widely regarded as one of the standout performances in superhero cinema.


       As a teacher and demonstrator of the power and grace within the whip for years, Rocco is not only a true Whip Master but also a dedicated educator, sharing the art of bullwhip with enthusiasts through workshops and demonstrations.

       His  commitment to preserving and passing on this unique skill ensures that the legacy of bullwhip artistry will continue to flourish. A personal friend of some of the greatest whip-throwers in the world, like Robert Dante, Alex Jacob and others, he is highly regarded and respected for his great experience and integrity in training whip enthusiasts of both sexes, as Master and Gentleman.

       His extensive collection of bullwhips and snakes by some of the finest whipmakers in the world is often admired by the enthusiasts that go to Rome specially to refine their skills, and become the future great whip-throwers in this multi-faceted art, sport, and hobby.


       In recognizing Alan Saddington, we celebrate not just a skilled artisan but a custodian of a timeless craft. He is the founder of Indiana Whips.

       “My passion for whip making began 14 years ago;" he says  "I'd purchased a bullwhip online, I was appalled at the quality. It was a rope with an overlay. This was a light bulb moment; I decided to study and perfect the art. I made my first two- bellied shot core whip and progressed from there. I carefully fine tuned and perfected the De Longis rolling loop. Years on, we are selling all over the world, to performers and beginners alike. My aim is to get quality, affordable whips to all.” His dedication to perfection, innovation, and the preservation of tradition ensures that his legacy of exceptional whip making will stand the test of time."


        An exemplar of the bullwhip experience’s rich traditions, this ambassador of the whip and expert whip maker has traveled the world to share his knowledge and experience with a new generation of whip makers and whip crackers.

       He has won major Australian plaiting titles with both his decorative and working stockwhips, as well as hatbands. He has been dedicated to putting the care, attention to detail, patience and craftmanship required to win these awards into every item he makes.


        Fiona Wilks has reigned supreme as the Australian ladies whip cracking champion, capturing multiple single and two-handed competitions over her rich career.

       When she came to the United States for the Wild West Arts Club convention, she blew the pants off everybody with her excellent whip-cracking routines and the quality of the whips she made herself.

       She has proved to the world that the bullwhip experience is not just a boys’ club.


       “The Cordons, originally from Germany, were one of the world’s greatest whip acts, and toured the globe from 1948 until 1972. In 1955 The Cordons, came to United States to work with Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus becoming the main act in the center ring, performing many stunts with very fast whips.       

       During their time in the US they made appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show, and at Madison Square Garden.“

       Shown: Daisy (Jutta Geidt), Tommy ( Dieter Geidt), Fred (Dietrich Geidt), Coronet (Ingrid Wimmer-Sarrasani), and Tex (Peter Geidt) (CC)


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